“So ask the people of the message if you don’t know.”
Qur’an [21:7]
Fatwas Bank
The following is a Fatwas search bar that helps you make searches inside the Fatwas sections of the websites islamqa.info & islamweb.net, the mentioned websites are attintively following the traces of our As-Salaf As-Saleh (Righteous Predecessors), these sites are supervised by senior reliable firm in knowledge scholars.
If you write down the keywords of the question inside the search bar followed by the word islamqa, the bar will show mostly the results that belong to islamqa.info, if you need to give the priority of the search results to islamweb.net you can simply write down “islamweb.net” at the end of your keywords.
E.g., writing down “Witr Prayer islamqa” inside the search bar will show mostly the search results that are related to Witr Prayer inside islamqa.info.
But writing down “Witr Prayer islamweb” inside the search bar will show mostly the search results that are related to Witr Prayer inside islamweb.net
Note: This search bar is supported by google, so advertisements may appear among the search results, the advertisements can be distinguished by the tag (Ad) shown in the results.
Kindly wait for a few seconds until the search bar is loaded.
Ask a Question
In the case of you still didn’t find the answer for your question after searching, you can send your question directly on the following links:
Note: The sites may require that the visitor has to be logged in, in order to be able to send questions.